     The man here lies on the ground, exhausted as the landscape around him becomes barren and dry. It is difficult to determine the time of day under such a dull, red sky and five swords, the abilities of the mind, pierce five roses of emotion. The man is not so enclosed by the swords as to truly be trapped upon the ground, yet still seems incapable of getting up.
     This card can represent a time of stagnation in life. Perhaps things are not moving as quickly as we had hoped or we have worked ourselves to exhaustion without seeing the fruits of our labors. Either way, our thoughts and feelings are in disharmony, leaving us confused, tired, and unable to move forward. However, this is not a time to give up! Five is a number of change, transition, and growth. This man may lie in rest and apathy for a time, but soon he will regain his strength, his thoughts will clear, and he will choose to stand again. Today, give yourself a break. If you have been working hard and feeling stretched in all directions, take heart! These challenges will pay of in time. In the meantime, remember that it's okay to take some a moment or two to make yourself happy. Soon, you'll be up and at it again! 

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